10 years of Pannonia Reflections

Over the past ten years of organizing the International Photography Salon Pannonia Reflections, we have gained wonderful experiences and made many new friends.

In 10 magnificent exhibitions in 10 years, more than 3700 photographers participated with more than 55.700 photos. More than 15.600 photos were accepted and more than 1000 were printed in formats 60×40 and 40×30 and exhibited in the Gallery – Museum Lendava.

In 10 printed catalogues we had more than 1000 pages with almost 2000 photos.

We celebrated the tenth anniversary throughout the entire past year.

We organized a retrospective exhibition displayed at the City Museum Gallery of Durdevac in Croatia. There we represent 88 best photos from the past ten years. It was a magnificent exhibition:

Gallery from the exhibition opening on FB: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=61558732830142&set=a.122112165092291094&locale=sl_SI

At the end of the year, we publish a monograph with 100 best photos from the past ten years. Book is printed in the format 28x28cm, hard cover with 120 pages. You can browse the digital copy of the book here: