FIAP SILVER MEDAL in section Water with photography AUTUMN RAIN

Sigita_Playdon_IE_Autumn rain_web

Jury member VINKO ŠEBREK wrote about photography:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
H. Jackson Brown Jr

I have taken this quote of the writer H. Jackson Brown Jr. (1940.) and his book “Life’s Little Instruction Book: Simple Wisdom and a Little Humor for Living a Happy and Rewarding Life” from the author’s Facebook page (, to present some of the other starting points of her photographic knowledge, skills and her photographic journey, aside from the biography that was enclosed with the photography. She is a broadly talented artist, who can skilfully merge together documentary and artistic values in her numerous photographic exhibitions.

Her awarded photograph “Autumn rain”, despite its documentary quality, shows the author’s unordinary approach to this kind of photography, and with this strengthens the photograph’s symbolic meaning. In her artistic procedure, the author didn’t just copy reality, but has given it an authorial seal, and has moulded the moment with a complex photographic story of high artistic and emotional values. Within that story lays the special and the ordinary, the spontaneous and the directed, the visible and the hidden, the real and the mystic.

Also Sigita told us a few words about herself:

I’m originally from Vilnius, Lithuania but for the past 14 years I have been living in Ireland .
My journey into photography started over 10 years ago when I bought my first camera, it was canon 500n film camera. I knew nothing about SLR cameras, shutter speeds and apertures so it was quite a challenge for me to get good shots. The progress was slow but I didn’t give up. I really enjoyed learning new tricks, capturing the world around me, exploring new places and meeting great people along the way.
4 years ago, when my first daughter was born, I took my photography to another level.
A lot of my work is focussed on capturing my daughter’s day to day life (Angelika and Skarlett). I love taking portraits & people photography. When I have a free time, I enjoy shooting landscapes, wildlife and macros. I like to keep it simple, natural and real!
I am always looking for a challenge with my photography and trying new techniques and styles. Photography is my passion. Last year I decided to try international competitions and I was awarded 4 medals and 5HM and over 70 pictures got accepted to International photography salons final exhibition.
I’m member of Galway Camera club, Ireland.
You can view Sigita’s full photo gallery on Flickr or Facebook

In the gallery below you can see more Sigita’s photos:
  • iceland1
  • little dreamer 2
  • little dreamer
  • red bull gives me wings
  • winter morning swim